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David Wilkins

Climate Delay

‘Discourses of Climate Delay’ is a piece of research from Cambridge University, originally published in ‘Global Sustainability’ in 2020. It looks at different arguments used to avoid taking action on Climate Change. The cartoons were drawn by graphic artist Léonard Chemineau, nicknamed Leolinne, and can be seen on his website - in several languages.

The cards have been produced by the Islington Climate Centre using a range of information - references are listed on the Linktree (from the QR code). The aim of the cards is to highlight the different arguments used to avoid taking action - the excuses - and to offer counter arguments. Our hope is that, in this easy-to-use format, these cards will help in real situations and give you confidence in combatting some of the commonly used arguments.

We sell them in the centre for £10 per pack as a fundraiser and would like to share that opportunity with our mycelium network of fellow climate centres for their fundraising .

If you're selling them, please hold the line on the price. Obviously, we do discounts for our volunteers and unwaged activists at your discretion .We would like to get as many as possible out there for COP28.

You can download the cards here as pdfs and put your own logo on them. They are free but if you feel able to make a donation to the centre, we would be very grateful (see the button below). It will help us develop more resources to share. If you would like us to add your logo, we can do so for a very small fee. If you are a commercial organisation, please just get in touch at, with the subject Discourses of Delay.

We see these cards as an interactive process so if you think you have a good answer to add please do it on our linkedin post here, where all the cards and answers are listed out.

Download cards below

These jpeg files are better for use on social media

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